在程序中使用配置文件来灵活的配置一些参数是一件很常见的事情,配置文件的解析并不复杂,在python里更是如此,在官方发布的库中就包含有做这件事情的库,那就是ConfigParser,这里简单的做一些介绍。 ConfigParser解析的配置文件的格式比较象ini的配置文件格式,就是文件中由多个section构成,每个section下又有多个配置项,比如: [db]db_host=[concurrent]thread=10processor=20 假设上面的配置文件的名字为test.conf。里面包含两个section,一个是db, 另一个是concurrent, db里面还包含有4项,concurrent里面有两项。这里来做做解析:
1 #-*- encoding: gb2312 -*- 2 import ConfigParser 3 import string, os, sys 4 5 cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() 6 cf.read("test.conf") 7 # 返回所有的section 8 s = cf.sections() 9 print 'section:', s10 11 o = cf.options("db")12 print 'options:', o13 14 v = cf.items("db")15 print 'db:', v16 17 print '-'*6018 #可以按照类型读取出来19 db_host = cf.get("db", "db_host")20 db_port = cf.getint("db", "db_port")21 db_user = cf.get("db", "db_user")22 db_pass = cf.get("db", "db_pass")23 24 # 返回的是整型的25 threads = cf.getint("concurrent", "thread")26 processors = cf.getint("concurrent", "processor")27 28 print "db_host:", db_host29 print "db_port:", db_port30 print "db_user:", db_user31 print "db_pass:", db_pass32 33 print "thread:", threads34 print "processor:", processors35 #修改一个值,再写回去36 cf.set("db", "db_pass", "zhaowei")37 cf.write(open("test.conf", "w"))
def read_hotfix_cfg(cfg_file): print "----Reading the hotfix cfg file----" cfg_file = "./mgmt/hotfixes/"+cfg_file if not os.path.isfile(cfg_file): print "The config file is not exist" return False try: cfg = configobj.ConfigObj(cfg_file, encoding='UTF8') except Exception, e: print "The cfg_file is wrong: ", print e return False elements_path = [] hf_elements = 'file_build_path' if cfg.has_key(hf_elements): elements_path = cfg[hf_elements].strip().split('\n') else: print "The [file_bulid_path] is not in the cfg file" return False global VERSIONS, SRC_TREE if cfg.has_key('versions'): VERSIONS = str(cfg['versions']) SRC_TREE = VERSIONS + "-rpl2sles-upgrade" else: print "The [versions] is not in the cfg file" return False